The Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Slovenia is a professional union of translators who work either as freelancers or are employed by different companies or translation agencies. Our 500 members are registered by language and by field of expertize.
The Association refers requests for translations to registered members and performs the invoicing service. It also contributes towards the education of its members by organizing various translation-related seminars and lectures.
One of the aims of the Assocation is to establish and maintain links with similar organisation and translation institutions at the national and international levels.
It is also a member of the International Federation of Translators (FIT) and regulary publishes the Assocation’s journal called Mostovi.

S potrditvijo se strinjate z uporabo piškotov na spletni strani. ... več ...

Za vklop vseh funkcionalnosti portala (komentiranje člankov, spletni klepet,...), priporočamo da omogočite uporabo spletnih piškotkov. Piškotki, ki jih uporabljamo za delovanje portala, v nobenem primeru ne škodijo ne Vam, ne Vašemu računalniku. Omogočajo izdelavo dokumentov preko pametnih e-obrazcev, merjenje statistike obiska, delovanje partnerskega (affiliate) programa, oglaševanja, deljenja vsebin preko družbenih omrežij in komunikacijo z Vami. Predvsem pa omogočajo boljšo in lažjo uporabo portala za Vas kot uporabnika. Več... Prosimo potrdite ali se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov na naši strani (kliknite spodnji gumb Potrdi).
